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1 无干坞下浅埋明挖大型通道基本结构单元及建造方法 CN202110445900.7 2021-04-25 CN112982476A 2021-06-18 贺维国; 范国刚; 周华贵; 费曼利; 曹威
2 一种节能型斜坡道出运沉箱的方法 CN202110787571.4 2021-07-13 CN113529772B 2023-03-10 刘佳; 于宝成; 胡晓军; 冯明锦; 龚新曦; 朱冠泽
3 非开挖或钻进沉管、沉井或沉箱施工方法 CN201810311730.1 2018-04-09 CN108487285A 2018-09-04 卢明全
4 一种节能型斜坡道出运沉箱的方法 CN202110787571.4 2021-07-13 CN113529772A 2021-10-22 刘佳; 于宝成; 胡晓军; 冯明锦; 龚新曦; 朱冠泽
5 大型沉箱半潜驳船首倾下潜出运方法 CN201710456867.1 2017-06-16 CN107237340A 2017-10-10 安秀山; 高平原; 李亮; 李建明; 娄雅冬; 许琳丽; 朱龙
6 大型沉箱半潜驳船首倾下潜出运方法 CN201710456867.1 2017-06-16 CN107237340B 2019-03-29 安秀山; 高平原; 李亮; 李建明; 娄雅冬; 许琳丽; 朱龙
7 大型吊箱、围堰气囊下方法 CN201010129188.1 2010-03-22 CN101775811A 2010-07-14 米长江
8 液压顶推出运沉箱的方法 CN200810126713.7 2008-06-20 CN101545263A 2009-09-30 刘德进; 张宝昌; 曲俐俐; 陆连洲; 王国之; 张祚森
9 无干坞下浅埋明挖大型通道快速建造方法 CN202110445900.7 2021-04-25 CN112982476B 2021-08-03 贺维国; 范国刚; 周华贵; 费曼利; 曹威
10 一种适用于大吨位沉井下施工的滑道系统 CN202011507618.9 2020-12-18 CN112502179A 2021-03-16 于宏伟; 乔力; 潘济; 洪海涛; 张玉东; 毛家序; 唐生银
11 基础结构 CN201080062369.5 2010-12-17 CN102822421A 2012-12-12 理查德·埃尔顿; 菲利浦·吉尔森
12 Verfahren zur Herstellung von in das Erdreich hineinragenden Bauwerken unter Verwendung eines Senkbaukörpers. CH299641D 1951-02-23 CH299641A 1954-06-30 DR LORENZ HANS PROF ING
A foundation structure (10) for locating an object (14) mounted on the foundation structure (10) on a sea bed or a river bed comprises an integral buoyancy device (22) having variable buoyancy and a rigid control surface (23). The integral buoyancy device (22) is movable relative to the foundation structure (10) to vary the position of the rigid control surface (23) and to control the position of the centre of buoyancy relative to the position of the centre of gravity. This stabilises the foundation structure 10 during submergence and surfacing. A method for controlling the deployment and retrieval of the foundation structure (10) is also described.
PURPOSE:To miniaturize a concrete box structure as well as construct the box structure in a short time by a method in which a concrete structure is formed on a cover floating on water, a bottom slab is formed on the concrete structure to form a box structure, and the box structure is upside down and floated on water. CONSTITUTION:A formwork for one lot is assembled on a steel cover 1 as a temporary bottom plate for a structure 14, floating on water, and concrete is placed into the formwork to form the first concrete 7. The second, third, fourth concretes 8-10 are connectedly placed on the first concrete 7 to construct a concrete structure 14. A bottom slab timbering and a formwork are assembled between the upper concretes 10, and a bottom slab concrete 13 is provided to provide a box 14. Water is supplied to or discharged from the box 14 through a ballast charging tube 5 and a discharge tube 6 provided in the side wall, and the box 14 is upside down. Afterwards, the cover 1 is removed out.
15 DEL0008090 1951-01-11 DE954588C 1956-12-20 LORENZ DR-ING HANS
16 FR1041661D 1951-03-12 FR1041661A 1953-10-26
17 Process for the production and sinking of caissons of any desired form GB493251 1951-02-28 GB692227A 1953-06-03
692,227. Caissons sinking etc.; borehole linings. LORENZ, H. Feb. 28,1951 [March 11, 1950; Dec. 22, 1950; Jan. 10, 1951], No. 4932/51. Classes 68(ii) and 85 In a process for the production and sinking of caissons a liquid with thixotropic properties is introduced between the outer wall surfaces of the caisson and the ground and/or above the ceiling of a working chamber forming part of the caisson, the properties of the liquid being such that it does not penetrate into the pores of the ground but by forming a fluid-tight film sets up. a liquid resistance to the earth wall of the caisson which, according to the concentration of the liquid, may be greater than the hydrostatic pressure and thereby secure the cavity wall against collapse and also produce only horizontal readily determinable forces on the walls of the caisson without producing on the walls any vertical components caused by friction, the process being such that the dimensions and reinforcement of the caisson are only such as are necessary to take up the stresses in the sunk and loaded condition. A suitable liquid is a suspension of pure bentonite in water, and to increase the specific gravity finely ground heavy spar may be added. The thixotropic liquid filling the space above the working chamber may decrease in concentration in stages from the soil side to the centre, if necessary to zero, since the columns do not mix with one another. The liquids are preferably introduced through pipe lines and nozzles in or on the top of the unit and fed through delivery tubes during sinking from above or from the working chamber, short partitions being fitted' on the ceiling of the unit to influence the direction of flow of the different liquids. As shown in Fig. 2 the thixotropic liquid 1 is introduced between the caisson jacket 2 and the soil 3 as soon as the curb 7 is below the land surface, and is continuously added so as to fill that space, being prevented from entering the working chamber 5 bv the cutting edge 4 making contact with the soil. The caisson is guided by. a roller guide system 6. When the caisson has reached the required depth the liquid may be recovered by filling the space between the jacket and the soil with concrete. The same method may be used to form foundations under water, the thixotropic liquid remaining in the cavity between the jacket and the soil since its specific gravity is greater than that of the water. The method may be used with open caissons or those having compressed air chambers. The caisson may have no jacket, as in Fig. 10, the working chamber being connected to the outside by a shaft tube 8. The entire space 9 above the caisson is then filled with thixotropic liquid. The caisson is guided and prevented from sudden uenetration by suspension cables secured to bearers over the shaft opening or to containers 10 floating in the liquid. At the required depth first the working chamber and then the space 9 is filled with concrete. Fig. 13 shows a caisson in different stages of an inclined sinking operation, more soil being excavated beneath one cutting edge 11, and the thixotropic liquid filling the space 13 'between the soil and the rearward projections 12 of the caisson and the space 14 between the soil walls. The angle of rotation of the caisson may be increased to 90 degrees or more. Shuttering may be erected on the sunken caisson 15, and a wall 16 of tapering crosssection formed, when the remaining spaces 17, 18 filled with thixotropic liquid may be filled with soil or thin concrete. The wall 16 with the form 19 of the hull of a ship may serve as a quay, the soil on the open side of the wall being dredged away: The space 18 may remain filled with the thixotropic liquid which serves to distribute any load over the whole wall. Excavation may be carried out manually or mechanically, e.g. by automatic flushing devices, and the weight of the thixotropic liquid aids the sinking of the caisson.
18 ФУНДАМЕНТНАЯ КОНСТРУКЦИЯ RU2012130424 2010-12-17 RU2012130424A 2014-03-20
1. Фундаментнаяконструкциядляразмещенияобъекта, установленногонафундаментнойконструкции, наморскомднеилиречномдне, приэтомфундаментнаяконструкциясодержитфундаментныйэлементи нераздельноеустройствоплавучести, имеющееизменяемуюплавучестьи жесткуюуправляющуюповерхность, приэтомнераздельноеустройствоплавучестивыполненоподвижнымотносительнофундаментногоэлементадляизмененияположенияжесткойуправляющейповерхностии управленияположениемцентраплавучестиотносительноположенияцентратяжести.2. Фундаментнаяконструкцияпоп.1, котораясодержитмножестводополнительныхнераздельныхустройствплавучести, имеющихиндивидуальноизменяемуюплавучесть.3. Фундаментнаяконструкцияпоп.2, вкоторойодноилиболееиздополнительныхнераздельныхустройствплавучестивыполненыв виденеподвижныхустройствплавучести.4. Фундаментнаяконструкцияпоп.2 или 3, вкоторойодноилиболеедополнительныхнераздельныхустройствплавучестикаждоевключаетв себяжесткуюуправляющуюповерхностьи выполненыподвижнымиотносительнофундаментногоэлементадляизмененияположенияжесткойуправляющейповерхности.5. Фундаментнаяконструкцияпоп.1, вкоторойтакоеиликаждоенераздельноеподвижноеустройствоплавучестисодержитмножествожесткихповерхностей, заключающихв себеплавучийобъем, иоднаилиболееизжесткихповерхностейработаетв качествежесткойуправляющейповерхности.6. Фундаментнаяконструкцияпоп.1, котораявключаетв себяпарууказанныхнераздельныхподвижныхустройствплавучести, расположенныхсимметричнонафундаментнойконструкции.7. Фундаментнаяконструкция
19 DEL0102593 1940-12-03 DE765323C 1953-06-22 LENK KURT DR-ING
20 DEG0059769 DE440616C 1927-02-07