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    • 2. 发明申请
    • 非牛顿路
    • US20120040590A1
    • 2012-02-16
    • US13210800
    • 2011-08-16
    • James H. BurgeDae Wook Kim
    • James H. BurgeDae Wook Kim
    • B24B1/00
    • B24B37/11B24B37/24
    • In a non-conventional lap tool, i.e., not a stiff tool nor a conformable tool, and related method for grinding/polishing a substrate surface, includes a rigid base plate and attached work surface to define a cavity containing a non-Newtonian fluid. The non-Newtonian fluid behaves as a solid when the work surface is subjected to high shear stress, i.e., rapid tool stroke, yet behaves like a liquid when the tool is moved around the substrate surface when the shear stress of the work surface is low. A diaphragm can be used to further define the cavity and to seal within the non-Newtonian fluid therein.
    • 在非常规的搭接工具中,即不是刚性工具,也不是适合的工具,以及用于研磨/抛光衬底表面的相关方法,包括刚性基板和附接的工作表面,以限定包含非牛顿流体的空腔。 当工作表面经受高剪切应力时,非牛顿流体表现为固体,即快速的工具冲程,当工件在工作表面的剪切应力低时,当工具移动到基板表面周围时,表现为液体 。 可以使用隔膜来进一步限定空腔并在其内的非牛顿流体内密封。
    • 7. 发明申请
    • Methothology for estimating statistical distribution characteristics of product parameters
    • 用于估计产品参数的统计分布特征的方法
    • US20070174030A1
    • 2007-07-26
    • US11656715
    • 2007-01-23
    • Sung-Hee YunSeung-Ho JungDae-Wook KimMoon-Hyun YooJong-Bae Lee
    • Sung-Hee YunSeung-Ho JungDae-Wook KimMoon-Hyun YooJong-Bae Lee
    • G06G7/48G06G7/58
    • G06F17/5036G01R31/318357
    • Disclosed is method for estimating statistical distribution characteristics of product parameters. The method comprises determining n number of product parameters, which characterize a product, and m number of characteristic parameters dependent on the product parameters, determining m number of correlation functions that represent the characteristic parameters in terms of the product parameters, and obtaining inverse functions of the correlation functions that represent the product parameters in terms of the characteristic parameters. After fabricating test products to empirically determine quantitative relations between the product and characteristic parameters, the method includes measuring k number of test products and preparing measured data of the characteristic parameters. Thereafter, the method includes estimating statistical characteristics of the product parameters corresponding with a distribution of the measured data of the characteristic parameters using inverse functions of the correlation functions.
    • 公开了用于估计产品参数的统计分布特征的方法。 该方法包括:根据产品参数确定n个产品参数,表征产品,以及m个特征参数,根据产品参数确定表示特征参数的m个相关函数,并获得 根据特征参数表示产品参数的相关函数。 在制作测试产品以经验确定产品与特征参数的定量关系后,该方法包括测量k个测试产品并准备特征参数的测量数据。 此后,该方法包括使用相关函数的反函数来估计与特征参数的测量数据的分布相对应的乘积参数的统计特性。
    • 8. 发明申请
    • Method of data modulation and demodulation in SoC
    • SoC中的数据调制和解调方法
    • US20070115798A1
    • 2007-05-24
    • US11289544
    • 2005-11-30
    • Gerald SobelmanDae-wook KimMan-ho KimBeam-hak LeeEui-seok KimSang-woo Rhim
    • Gerald SobelmanDae-wook KimMan-ho KimBeam-hak LeeEui-seok KimSang-woo Rhim
    • H04J11/00
    • H04B1/707
    • A method of modulating data, which is represented by two data types of ‘high’ and ‘low’, and demodulating the modulated data, is disclosed. In a method of data modulation and demodulation for a communication system which has a transmitting end modulating a data and a receiving end demodulating the transmitted data from the transmitting end, the data is represented by two types including ‘high’ and ‘low’, and the receiving end receives at least one data which consists of at least one code-word spread by a unique orthogonal code. The receiving end adds up the received data in the unit of code-word, and subtracts the length of the orthogonal code from a value which is obtained by doubling the sum of the code-word, when the code-word of the orthogonal code is ‘0’. The receiving end then averages the result after the subtraction in the unit of orthogonal code length and e-tracts the result, and therefore obtains the data from the transmitting end.
    • 公开了一种调制数据的方法,它由两种数据类型“高”和“低”表示,并解调调制数据。 在具有发送端调制数据的通信系统和从发送端解调发送数据的接收端的通信系统的数据调制和解调方法中,数据由“高”和“低”两种类型表示, 接收端接收由至少一个由唯一正交码扩展的码字组成的至少一个数据。 接收端以码字为单位将接收到的数据相加,并从正交码的码字的倍数为2倍的值中减去正交码的长度, '0'。 然后,接收端在以正交码长度为单位的减法之后对结果进行平均,并且将结果进行电子邮件发送,从而从发送端获取数据。
    • 10. 发明授权
    • Non-newtonian lap
    • 非牛顿圈
    • US09302367B2
    • 2016-04-05
    • US13210800
    • 2011-08-16
    • James H. BurgeDae Wook Kim
    • James H. BurgeDae Wook Kim
    • B24B37/11B24B37/24
    • B24B37/11B24B37/24
    • In a non-conventional lap tool, i.e., not a stiff tool nor a conformable tool, and related method for grinding/polishing a substrate surface, includes a rigid base plate and attached work surface to define a cavity containing a non-Newtonian fluid. The non-Newtonian fluid behaves as a solid when the work surface is subjected to high shear stress, i.e., rapid tool stroke, yet behaves like a liquid when the tool is moved around the substrate surface when the shear stress of the work surface is low. A diaphragm can be used to further define the cavity and to seal within the non-Newtonian fluid therein.
    • 在非常规的搭接工具中,即不是刚性工具,也不是适合的工具,以及用于研磨/抛光衬底表面的相关方法,包括刚性基板和附接的工作表面,以限定包含非牛顿流体的空腔。 当工作表面经受高剪切应力时,非牛顿流体表现为固体,即快速的工具冲程,当工件在工作表面的剪切应力低时,当工具移动到基板表面周围时,表现为液体 。 可以使用隔膜来进一步限定空腔并在其内的非牛顿流体内密封。